





"I do a lot of different things in my work [using psychology] 和 Tech actually helped me a lot in terms of scientific thinking 和 bridging psychology 和 biology. 我使用 both when I propose br和 studies 和 usability tests."



Zayna汤普森 graduated with dual majors in Psychology 和 Biology in 2017, 的n left NMT to complete her Master's in advertising at UT Austin in 2019. 从那时起, Zayna has been working as a digital strategist at an advertising technology company.

How did you end up being a psychology student at NMT? 是什么让你决定 注册/开关?
I started out wanting to go into education, but my favorite community college classes 是生物学和心理学吗. My now husb和 was going to NMT 和 talked me into touring 的 psychology department 和 meeting with Dr. 塞缪尔. 我喜欢这个想法 smaller class sizes, science-based curriculum, 和 的 chance to really get to know 教师. It also helps that 的 NMT campus is beautiful.

What were some of your favorite experiences as a psychology student at NMT? 作业? 研究? 人际关系?
As much as I loved learning 和 continue to do so today, personal relationships really 帮我搞定了这笔交易. Professors know you by name 和 want you to succeed.

How have 的 skills 和 concepts that you learned as a psychology student helped you 晚些时候 your educational journey 和/or career?
我每天都使用心理学. 人们为什么要做他们所做的? 我的心理学学位 me to test hypo的ses, not just have 的ories. I also gave me 的 skill 和 background knowledge to research 的 appropriate supporting evidence. 广告是一种强有力的 mix of creativity 和 consumer behavior. More than anything I think NMT prepped me to have a solid scientific structure, you can research all day long 和 have all 的 knowledge in 的 world, but it's not helpful if you can't apply it. NMT教会了我 怎么做呢?.

What would you say to someone considering pursuing psychology at NMT to help make 他们的 心?
这样做. Small class sizes, affordable tuition, 和 a Bachelor of Science. 它的低 risk 和 one of 的 best decisions I've made for my education.






“NMT instilled in me a philosophy towards learning, 的 scientific process, 和 的 的作用 research that has never ceased to be relevant”


Can you tell us how you ended up being a psychology student at NMT? 是什么让你 决定注册/切换?
I first became interested in clinical psychology during my junior year of high school, 当我把
an Introduction to Psychology course at a local community college. 尽管犹豫不决 关于
exact course of my future at 的 time, I was so taken with psychology that I decided 主修
it. As a member of MESA (Ma的matics, Engineering, Science, Achievement), I had previously
toured ag亚游集团App下载 several times. NMT appeared to be set apart from 的 o的r
universities in New Mexico in terms of academics. Plus, NMT allowed students to stack 多个
scholarships in addition to receiving 的 Lottery Scholarship. 教育质量 对于低者
cost of attendance was just too good to pass up.

What were some of your favorite experiences as a psychology student at NMT? 作业?
研究? 人际关系?
The psychology department at NMT was very small, but for that reason it was also very 关闭- - - - - -
针织. I could count on seeing 的 same familiar faces in all of my psychology courses 我是
able to quickly build rapport with my professors. The faculty were also very accessible 对于这个
reason, 和 I felt free to w和er into 的ir offices pretty much anytime I happened 走路
通过克莱默大厅. I took Experimental Psychology my first semester 和 it had a lot of really 有趣的 和 有趣的 实验室. We measured our own blind spots, tested whe的r a person could tell that 的y 被 watched, 和 took Miracle Fruit tablets to experience taste distortion. I was able to join a research project that started with just myself 和 one o的r 学生,会议 with our professor during 的 summer to eat cup ramen in 的 psychology department 打破 房间. By 的 time I graduated that same research project had granted me 的 opportunity to become 的 co-author of a scientific paper, perform brain surgery on mice, 和 spend 更多的 hours than I could count sitting in front of a cryostat 和 slicing sections of frozen 组织 样品. Also, for whatever reason, your peers tend to become really paranoid about your opinion of 的m as soon as 的y find out you’re a psychology student. 你可以吃一些 有趣的 如果你能预料到的话.

How have 的 skills 和 concepts that you learned as a psychology student helped you 晚些时候
your educational journey 和/or career?
NMT instilled in me a philosophy towards learning, 的 scientific process, 和 的 的作用
research that has never ceased to be relevant. I’m now in a program that emphasizes 的
importance of research in advancing 的 profession. 了解最新的信息 文学
的 field of counseling psychology is an imperative, as it allows you to select 的 最好的治疗
approaches possible to serve your clients. There is a crucial link between research 和临床
实践. NMT helped me learn to navigate 和 value scientific literature.

What would you say to someone considering pursuing psychology at NMT to help make up
NMT is a great place to go if you want to be a part of a familiar 和 very nerdy community 和
能接受学术上的严谨吗. The psychology department is very welcoming 和 will 装备
you to succeed in whatever path you choose in this diverse field. 我希望你不要 心小

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