Board of Regents Regular Meeting


Friday, March 13, 2020 ~ 1:00 pm

NMT Campus

Macey Center ~ Galena Room

801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM




1:00-1:05 pm

  1. Call to Order, Chair Peacock Info
    1. Proof of Meeting Notice, Chair Peacock            
  2. Approval of Agenda, Chair Peacock Action
  3. Public Comment, Chair Peacock Info


1:05-2:05 pm

  1. Recurring Reports, President Wells       Info
    1. SGA, President Michelle Sherman
    2. GSA, President Henry Prager
    3. Student Life, Acting VP Phaiah
    4. Academic Affairs, VP Wells
    5. Capital Projects, VP McDaniel
    6. Research, VP Romero
    7. OIC, Director Anselmo
    8. Advancement, Director Foster
    9. Bureau of Geology, Director Dunbar
    10. PRRC, Director Balch
    11. HR, Director Salome
    12. Faculty Senate, Engler
    13. Marketing & Comm., Director Lepre
    14. Affairs, Director Manzano
    15. President’s Report, President Wells
    16. Other

2:05- 2:45 pm

  1. Information Items, Chair Peacock
    1. NMT Foundation Updates, Regent Armijo
    2. Degree Conferrals for Dec 19, Jan 20 & Feb 20, VP Wells
    3. FY 2021 Auxiliary & Health Center Fee Changes, Acting VP Phaiah


2:45-3:45 pm

  1. Action Items, Chair Peacock
    1. Approval of Feb 07, 2020 Minutes, Chair Peacock
    2. Approve Revised Tenure & Promotion Policies, VP Wells
    3. Approve New Master’s Program in Communication & Design, VP Wells
    4. Approve FY 2021 Tuition, VP McDaniel
    5. Approve Unrestricted Fund Purchase, VP McDaniel
      • Southwest Contract for Mtn. Spring Dorm Furniture
      • Ameresco Award for Guaranteed Utility Savings Project
    6. Approve Property Resolutions, VP McDaniel
      • 200313-01
      • 200313-02
    7. Approve Bank Resolutions, VP McDaniel


3:45-5:00 pm

  1. Individual Board Member Comments, Chair Peacock Info
  2. New Business, Chair Peacock      Info/Action
  3. Executive Session, Chair Peacock Info

                                                        NMSA 1978, Sec 10-15-1 (H)(2),

                       (If Required to Consider Legal and/or Personnel Matters)

10. Reconvene in open session and take final action, Info/Action

      if any, on such limited legal and/or personnel matters

      which shall be acted upon in open session following

      conclusion of the closed session, Chair Peacock

Adjournment, Chair Peacock         Action

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