

SOCORRO – The ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents re-elected Richard Carpenter of Santa Fe to his current position as chairman and also re-elected Jerry Armijo of Socorro to his current position as secretary/treasurer of the research university’s governing 3月20日在索科罗举行的董事会会议上.

Both Carpenter and Armijo will now serve as officers for the board of regents for 另一个一年任期.

On behalf of the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents, Chairman Carpenter also welcomed ag亚游集团App下载学生丹尼斯M. 特鲁希略被任命为“摄政王”.特鲁希略最近 was appointed to the student regent position by New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, but her appointment to a two-year term as a regent has not yet been confirmed by the 新墨西哥州议会.

During the board’s March meeting, ag亚游集团App下载 regents also were given an overview of the legislation that was passed at the recently concluded regular session of the 新墨西哥州议会, with particular regard to regular and additional funding 今年为国家支持的研究型大学获得.

新墨西哥科技公司总裁丹尼尔. López在他的简报开始时说:“我只有 good news for you today about what has truly been a good legislative year for New 墨西哥科技.”

ag亚游集团App下载 will benefit from several bills that were passed into law, López told the regents, particularly those dealing with what had been the university’s five top 立法优先事项包括:

The ag亚游集团App下载 President emphasized that monetary funds which will now be made available to the university through the matching endowment program will be especially useful in light of several recent major donations to the school.

ag亚游集团App下载’s share will amount to about $2 million,” López said, “and that will be used from the start to match most of these new pledges and outright donations we’ve 收到.”

In addition, López pointed out that the 新墨西哥州议会 also passed several other additional bills that include funding for ag亚游集团App下载 education, research, 以及培训项目,例如:

In other announcements made during the board meeting, ag亚游集团App下载 President López reported that total applications for admission for Tech’s 2007 Fall Semester were up significantly over last year’s total for the same time period (889 versus 815) and that the number of paid applicants had also risen when compared to last year’s 数字(204对178).

“These figures bode well for a possible increase at ag亚游集团App下载 in overall student 报名,”López网站说. “我对此相当乐观 have an especially good increase in entering freshmen enrollment.”

In official actions taken at its meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents approved Jeffrey B .的学术任命. 约翰逊成为了全职的终身教授 of assistant professor of geophysics with the ag亚游集团App下载 Department of Earth 与环境科学.

The board of regents also approved granting academic tenure to Richard Sonnenfeld, associate professor of physics at New Mexico, and, furthermore, granted academic tenure and promotion to associate professor to the following Tech faculty: Aly El-Osery (electrical engineering); Julie Ford (humanities); Lorie Liebrock (computer science); Richard Mottt (humanities); and Lynda Walsh (humanities).

During its meeting, the ag亚游集团App下载 Board of Regents also was informed that the university had issued a subcontract to increase funding to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for a current contract that provide course instructors, subject matter experts, course logistics, and course curriculum for Tech’s First Responder 培训计划. The estimated total cost of the award is more than $7 million, regents were told, and is funded entirely from the university’s restricted funds.

At the latter part of the meeting, the board went into executive session to discuss personnel matters, and reconvened in regular session, at which time the regents then approved a 10 percent salary adjustment for the ag亚游集团App下载 President, as well 批准了总统的一系列新目标.