评议 分钟 - September 2014

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology


1:30 p.m. 星期二,2014年9月9日



ag亚游集团App下载 校董会 convened at 1:38 p.m. 校董会主席 理查德·N. 木匠主持. 其他 Board members present were 丽晶 Jerry Armijo, 摄政王黛布拉·希克斯,摄政王黛博拉·皮科克,学生摄政王以色列·罗德里格斯-里奥斯. 出席会议的大学管理人员、工作人员和嘉宾包括:

1. 会议通知证明.  的 meeting was called to order at 1:28 p.m. 由主席 在总统确认已经发出了适当的法律通知之后,卡彭特.

2. 批准议程.  的 Chairman announced an executive session (item 16) would be convened to discuss a legal issue. 的 Agenda was approved 一致 as 由摄政王希克斯和摄政王阿米霍提出第二项动议.

3. 分钟.  8月会议纪要一致通过了一项动议 by 丽晶 Armijo and a second by 丽晶 Peacock.

4. 公告.

教职员参议院更新.  经董事会同意,洛佩兹主席将这一项目提前,以容纳. 雷蒙德,即将接任理查德·索南菲尔德的教务委员会主席. Dr. 雷蒙德 报告了在加强共享治理方面取得的进展,并计划在整个大学范围内实施 hybrid committee with appropriate faculty and staff representation.

登记更新. Ms. Jaramillo-Fleming报告说,新入学的学生人数与去年相当 year, with 13 more transfer students than in 2013. Online registration and advising were very helpful and will continue. 总统 commented that fewer high school 学生们对STEM领域感兴趣,新墨西哥大学和新密歇根州立大学的入学率都有所下降 在这些领域.

总统’s Golf Tournament Update.  该赛事已经筹集了15.3万美元,预计还会再筹集一笔 “一万美元。”总统说. Proceeds are earmarked for student scholarship support. Dr. 洛佩兹向卡朋特主席保证,他将探讨奖学金的想法 审查要求委员会.

公休假.  评议 were informed of sabbatical leave approved for Dr. David Burleigh, Materials 工程, to complete a book he is writing. Dr. 奥斯特格伦指出. 伯利是个学生 最喜欢,而且他不在的时候,系里有办法替他. Dr. Fuierer attended in support of his colleague.

Planning for new Chemistry Building.  选民将在11月决定一般义务债券的结果 includes $15 million for a new Chemistry Building. 的 bond should pass, but the University cannot be passive, the 总统 said.

Conference on Induced Seismicity.  该大学最近举办了一次关于诱发地震活动的会议,解释说 与地下地球扰动有关的专题问题背后的科学. 总统 称这次会议是回应行业担忧的良好开端. 在与会者 前中华人民共和国主任戴夫·马丁,现任美国能源、矿产和农业部长 自然资源. Dr. Phillips called the participation of high-level individuals in the petroleum industry “very encouraging.”

电子邮件事故.  校长回应了最近一起电邮事件,一名大学员工 给错误的邮件列表发了一条关于“无害的辅导时间表”的信息. It was inadvertent; no emails from parents were reported.


公众意见.  Ms. 道恩·韦弗,当地公立学校董事会的秘书,问大学是否 是否可以将与索科罗高中的双学分计划扩大到新生 和二年级的学生. While high school students are allowed concurrent enrollment at New 墨西哥理工大学,完全开放会导致学校亏损 the current funding formula, noted the 总统. “We would love to have them,” he said, “but it’s a matter of finance.” Ms. Weaver thanked the Board for the opportunity to speak, saying she just wanted to “plant that seed.”

Degree Conferrals for July and August 2014.  董事会成员被告知4个学士学位,13个硕士学位和 one doctorate conferred in July and August.

Financial Analysis for July 2014.  Mr. 马尔克斯没有什么可报告的,他说要追踪任何支出还为时过早 trends; however, the University continues to operate within budgetary limits. 丽晶 阿米霍提议批准这份报告,接着是利金特·皮科克的第二项提议. 的 动议全票通过.

研究 and Public Service Projects Funding Requests.  RPSP的榜单与去年一样,只有一个例外,那就是航空航天 工程. 该大学正在申请20万美元来推进该项目 a proposed academic partnership fell through. 的re followed a discussion on the success 在国际航空航天工程竞赛中为理工科学生提供了更多的机会 content of the minor the University offers in the field. 还提到了努力 to contact Richard Branson of Virgin Galactic. Dr. Ostergren, noting the proximity 他推测了研究和学生竞赛的可能性 与设施捆绑在一起,也许会及时带来商业化的努力. 评议 应洛佩兹总统的要求,根据丽晶的动议批准RPSP名单 Hicks and a second by 丽晶 Peacock. 动议全票通过。.

Restricted Fund Purchase Notification.  评议 were informed of three purchases in excess of $100,000; details in the notebooks.

10. Unrestricted Fund Purchase Notification.  总统 recommended that 评议 批准欧空局建设公司以51万美元的低报价建造实验室和办公室 在管理局的保护下,存放约50,000个切割样本 地质. Mr. 普莱斯解释说,拟议的结构是一种削减成本的替代方案 to enlarging the new Bureau building under construction. Mr. 伊达尔戈指出 funds are part of initial financing for the Bureau building. 董事会一致通过 在丽晶 Armijo的动议和丽晶 Peacock的第二项动议下进行了投标.

11. 房地产购买申请. Mr. 马尔克斯 notified 评议 of a proposal to purchase two “modest” residences adjacent to the University; both properties have been appraised. 经过简短的讨论,Armijo摄政王授权大学购买 布洛克街905号的房子. 摄政王希克斯表示支持 motion and it passed 一致. 董事会也一致通过了购买勒罗伊大街818号房产的动议 by 丽晶 Hicks and a second by 丽晶 Peacock. Copies of the two resolutions adopted are attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 

12. Property Items Resolution, Reference NMSA 1978, 13-6-1.  Mr. 马尔克斯请求 批准以下决议:140909-01下拆除磨损物 5000美元将被拍卖. 丽晶 Peacock moved for approval. 丽晶 Armijo表示赞同 the motion and it passed 一致. 140909-02 to remove worn out property over $5,000 to be sold at auction: 丽晶 Armijo moved for approval. 摄政王希克斯表示支持 motion and it passed 一致. 140909-03to remove obsolete property over $5,000: 丽晶 Hicks moved for approval. 丽晶 Peacock seconded the motion and it passed 一致.

13. Individual Board Member Comments.   没有一个.

14. 新业务.  没有一个.

15. 员工福利信托.  董事会于下午2时55分休会.m. 作为利益相关者召开会议 信任. Mr. 马尔克斯报告说,几笔大额索赔导致了赤字 end of July, with some abatement in August. 的 University is reviewing premiums to keep the program affordable for both the Institute and its employees. Mr. 马尔克斯 和女士. 莎乐美介绍了需要解释的新选项(不同的免赔额) employees at the annual Benefits Fair in November. During discussion, Chairman Carpenter 指出了在董事会就任何新计划投票之前对计划进行审查的重要性. 信托基金在下午3点17分休息.m. to reconvene as the 校董会.

16. Possible Executive Session, NMSA 1978, Sec. 10-15-1 (H)(2) (If Required to Consider 法律及/或人事事宜).  On a unanimous roll call vote, 评议 adjourned 下午3点21分举行例会.m. to meet in Executive Session as per a long-pending 一名前NM科技员工的诉讼问题,由丽晶 Peacock提出动议 第二个是瑞金特·希克斯.

再次召开公开会议,并就有关有限人员的最后行动(如有)提出报告 非公开会议结束后,进行公开会议.  董事会 reconvened in open session at 3:39 p.m. Chairman Carpenter announced that pursuant 对上述关于联委会非公开会议的规约,只说明事项 was discussed and no action was taken.

18. 休会. 由于董事会没有其他事务要处理,会议就此结束 下午3:40休庭.m.


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