


杰夫Altig is an associate professor of chemistry and the director of the 化学 实验室. Dr. Altig's work involves the development of curricula for the chemistry laboratory and computational chemical modeling. 他设计了实验课程 that are modern, novel and cross-divisional is the goal. 在建模领域, he works on computational models involving quantum chemical and biophysical calculations using commercial software such as Gaussian or Autodock, as well as software developed 内部.

Altig has won the Distinguished Teaching Award from NMT, the top such award at the 研究所. Altig earned his bachelor’s in biochemistry at the University of Oregon 和他的博士学位.D. in physical chemistry from the University of Wisconsin. 他回来 to academia after 20 years in the software industry.


Dr. 迈克尔Heagy is a chemistry professor whose research specialties includes dual 荧光染料. 他和他的学生 have created new dyes that emit two different colors, which has many applications in science and industry. 他的研究 featured in several popular science magazines and websites.

Heagy earned his bachelor’s at Franklin and Marshall College in 1990 和他的博士学位.D. at the University of Southern California in 1995. 他在麻省理工大学完成了博士后研究.I.T. 在来ag亚游集团App下载之前. Heagy was named the Distinguished 研究er of 2014年. He is also well-versed on the history of higher education in America and how chemists made positive impacts on university culture and trends.


Dr. 莎莉的pia is an assistant professor in the 化学 Department. 她的研究 group uses high-performance computing to investigate mechanisms of biomolecular function 通过结构动力学模拟. Her current research is biomedically related, with a special interest in high-membrane cholesterol in cancer pathology, as well as the connection between insulin resistance and saturated fat accumulation in skeletal 肌肉.

Dr. Pias earned her bachelor’s and master’s at Emery University, and her Ph.D. at 新墨西哥州立大学. She completed a post-doc in computing innovation at Stony 布鲁克大学.

Praveen Patidar

Praveen Patidar is an assistant professor of chemistry at NMT. 帕蒂达实验室是 interested in developing anti-cancer drugs that create DNA damage and trigger cell 只有癌细胞才会死亡. Interdisciplinary approaches including protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, cancer biology, genomics, and proteomics are routinely employed to drive current research projects.

Patidar earned his bachelor’s from Holkar Science College and his master’s from Devi Ahilya大学. 他获得了博士学位.D. in biochemistry from 新墨西哥州立大学.

Menake Piyasena

Menake Piyasena is an assistant professor of chemistry at NMT. Dr. Piyasena领导 a 多学科 research group focused on developing novel bioanalytical and biomedical techniques important for disease diagnosis, pathogen detection, and analysis of bio-molecular 交互.

His group is also interested in new instrument development using microfluidic and 声学技术. Dr. Piyasena’s group has active collaborations with the Center for Biomedical Engineering at the University of New Mexico, and a startup company to build inexpensive microfluidic systems for BioMEMS applications.

He earned his bachelor’s from the University of Kelaniya 和他的博士学位.D. 在分析 新墨西哥大学的化学教授. 他在加州大学洛斯分校完成了博士后研究 Angeles, the University of Maryland, and the University of New Mexico.


马欣达Ranasinghe is an assistant professor of chemistry at NMT. 他的研究小组 is centered on physical chemistry and spectroscopy.  然而我们的研究主要是 多学科. Student researchers use spectroscopic techniques to characterize the optoelectronic properties of nanoparticles, chromophore metal complexes, quantum 点和纳米共轭物.

Ranasinghe earned his bachelor’s at the University of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka and 他的Ph值.D. 来自底特律韦恩州立大学. 他在卡内基完成了博士后研究 Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Arizona State University. 

Gayan Rubasinghege

Gayan Rubasinghege is an assistant professor of chemistry at NMT. 他的研究围绕 around nanomaterial, polymer composite and environmental chemistry. 他和他的学生 aim to better understand the impact of mineral oxides and engineered nanoparticles 关于环境过程. One of his projects focuses on the impact of metal oxides and engineered nanoparticles on aquatic life and human health. 这些跨学科 studies specifically focus on the chemistry of metal oxides in mineral dust as a source 痕量金属对水生生物的影响.

Rubasinghege earned his bachelor’s in chemistry at the University of Kelaniya and 他的Ph值.D. in physical and environmental chemistry at the University of Iowa.

Rudolfo Tello-Aburto

Dr. Rudolfo Tello-Aburto is an assistant professor in the Department of 化学. His research focuses on the biological processes in disease inception, progression, 以及耐药性的发展. His group is developing bioactive molecules that improve health and have desirable pharmacological outcomes.

Dr. Tello-Aburto earned his bachelor’s at Universidad Veracurzana, his master’s at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 和他的博士学位.D. 来自爱荷华大学. He also completed post-docs at the University of Minnesota and 新墨西哥州立大学.




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