Below is a list of recent theses by ag亚游集团App下载 graduate students.


获得学位  论文或论文题目 Student 指导教授(s)
2014  Ph.D Not Dead Yet: Low­-Level Star Formation and Active Galactic Nuclei in the Continued 邻近宇宙中早期星系的演化 克里斯蒂娜Nyland  Dr. 丽莎年轻
2014  Ph.D Tropical Cyclogenisis: Interaction between Dynamics and Thermodynamics Saska Gjorgjievska Dr. 戴夫·雷蒙德
2014  Ph.D 闪电宽带干涉测量 迈克的股票 Dr. 保罗Krehbiel
2014 Ph.D. Characterization and Analysis of Near Earth Meteoroids via Lunar Impact Observations 杰德Rembold Dr. 艾琳·瑞恩(MRO) & Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
2014    M.S VLA大气相位干涉仪 基思•莫里斯 Dr. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德
2011    Ph.D A High Resolution Study of the Cold Gas in Early-type of Galaxies 丹尼尔Lucero Dr. 丽莎年轻
2011  Ph.D. 剪切螺旋模式的观测证据
杰森Speights Dr. 戴夫Westpfahl
2011  Ph.D. Searching for Cosmic Reionization with the Hl 21cm Signal Abhirup达塔 Dr. Chris Carilli (NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
2010 Ph.D. Paremeterized Deconvolution for Wide-Band Radio Synthesis Imaging Urvashi Rao Venkata Dr. 蒂姆·康威尔(ATNF) & Dr. 琼Eilek
2010    M.S Testing the SOC Hypothesis of Tropical Precipitation Using a Cloud Resolving Model Satomi Sugaya Dr. 沙龙会议
2010    M.S. 朗缪尔电场阵列的研制与测试 Jianhua张 Dr. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德
2009 Ph.D. Non-Perturbative Aspects of Quantum Electrodynamics and Investigations in Matrix Gravity 古格列尔莫Fucci Dr. 伊凡Avramidi
2009 Ph.D. Analysis of Change Transfer in Intracloud Lighting using a Time-Dependent Multi-Dipole Model 陆高朋 Dr. W.P. Winn & Dr. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德
2008 Ph.D. From Established to Potentially New Probes of Massive Star Formation 阿瑞亚埃斯特万 Dr. 彼得Hofner
2008  M.S. Commandable Cut-Down and Tracking Instrument for Lightning Research, and Correlation Study Between Lightning Flash Counts and Meteorological Parameters 将Walden-Newman Dr. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德
2007 Ph.D. Using the Lightning Mapping Array to Study Rapiation Patterns of Lightning 耶利米哈林 Dr. 保罗Krehbiel
2007 Ph.D. Emission Mechanisms in Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei 詹姆斯•安德森 Dr. 琼Eilek & Dr. James Ulvestad (NRAO)
2006 Ph.D. 热带大气大尺度模态 Zeljka福克斯 Dr. 大卫·雷蒙德
2006 Ph.D. Energy Deposition, Spectral Effects, and Neutron Multiplicity of an Electron Driven 核组装 威廉·康威尔 Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
2006 Ph.D. 129碳纳米管的核磁共振研究 凯瑟琳Clewett Dr. W.P. Winn
2005 Ph.D. 新墨西哥科技闪电测绘阵列 蒂莫西·哈姆林 Dr. 保罗Krehbiel
2005 Ph.D. Imaging a Laser Guide Star with Thermal and Coating Variations in the Primary Mirror 丹尼斯Oesch Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
2005 Ph.D. ICM热和非热组分动力学 Tomislav·马尔科维奇 弗雷泽·欧文博士(NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
2005  M.S. A Balloon Born Instrument for Measuring Three Dimensional Charge Movement in 雷暴 John D. Battles Dr. 理查德·桑尼菲尔德
2004  M.S. Time Evolution of the Fractal Dimension of Turbulent Flows James W. Caruthers Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
2004 Ph.D. Dispersion, Scatter Broadening, And The Intrinsic Structure Of Crab Giant Pulses Jeff Kern Dr. 蒂姆·汉
2004  M.S. Reynolds Number Dependence of the Fractal Dimension of Turbulent Plumes 克雷格•米勒 Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
2004  M.S. 椭圆星系中的射电连续统与恒星形成 丹尼尔Lucero Dr. 丽莎年轻
2003 Ph.D. 孤立射电脉冲星的磁层 保罗·阿伦特 Dr. 琼Eilek
2003  M.S. 蟹状脉冲星的异常色散事件 乔·迪克森 Dr. 蒂莫西·汉
2003  M.S. The Inversion of Solar Stokes Profiles using Principal Component Analysis 迈克Eydenberg Dr. K.S. Balasubramaniam (NSO) & Dr. 肯Minschwaner
2003  M.S. 大气湍流的光学强度 Dale James Neimeier Dr. 斯科特·蒂尔(NMT当选). Eng.)
  Measurements of annular Couette flow stability at the fluid Reynolds number Re=4.4×10^6: 液态钠发电机的流体动力前体 霍华德·贝克利 Dr. 斯特灵高露洁
2003 Ph.D. Measurements of the Surface Flux Velocity of Nanometer-size Particles Over the High 新墨西哥州的沙漠地形 弗雷德Yarger Dr. Stephen Schery
2002 Ph.D. Moisture interchange between clouds and environment in a tropical atmosphere Carlos Lopez Carrillo Dr. 大卫·雷蒙德
2001   M.S. 湿润大气雷蒙德模式的线性模态 Zeljka福克斯 Dr. 大卫·雷蒙德
2001    M.S. 双极和四极干涉 13CD2自旋分组 Luis A. Velarde Dr. 拉里Werbelow
2002 Ph.D. 热带对流的整体模拟 溪坪曾 Dr. 大卫·雷蒙德
2000  M.S. Effect of Cloud Fraction on Surface UV from Simultaneous UV Radiometer Measurements 以及全天可见图像 Dongqi刘 Dr. 肯Minschwaner
2000  M.S. Studies of the Effect of Dust Loading on the Alpha-Particle Energy Spectrum for Radioactive 气溶胶颗粒沉积在过滤器上 Raúl E. 阿拉贡阿尔坎塔拉 Dr. Stephen Schery
1999 Ph.D. Evidence For A Circumnuclear Torusin Edge-On Radio Galaxies 艾莉森·派克 Dr. 格雷格·泰勒(NRAO) & Dr. 大卫Westpfahl
1999  Ph.D Dual-Polarization Radar Meteorology: A geometrical approach 理查德·大卫·斯科特 Dr. 保罗Krehbiel
1999    M.S. Blast Wave Attenuation of Octol 70/30 Charges in Cloth Filled Cases Joseph A. Gatto Dr. 大卫Westpfahl & Dr. 范·罗梅罗
1998    M.S 脉冲星与混沌 特蕾西德莱尼 Dr. 吉姆·韦瑟罗尔
1998 Ph.D. M87射电观测研究 Fang Zhou Dr. 弗雷泽·欧文(NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
1997 Ph.D. 蟹状星云脉冲星的高频无线电特性 大卫·莫菲特 Dr. 蒂莫西·汉
1995      M.S. A New Parallelized Cosmological Particle-Mesh Code and Tests of an Improved ? CDM Model Clay C. Smith  
1993    M.S. M87的法拉第旋转 Fang Zhou Dr. 弗雷泽·欧文(NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
1993    M.S. The Structure of Solar Active Regions as Inferred from Multifrequency VLA Observations 才气Vourlidas Dr. 蒂姆·巴斯蒂安(NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
1992 Ph.D. 脉冲星模式改变与发射束几何 Mark M. 麦金农的 Dr. 蒂姆·汉
1992   M.S. The Effect of Environment on the Radio/Far Infrared Correlation in Spiral Galaxies 维克多•安德森 Dr. 弗雷泽欧文
1990 Ph.D.   Shao-Hong-Han 鲍勃·海耶明(NRAO)
1990   M.S. The Role of Muscle Tension Receptors in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness Bradley R. Berg  
1989 Ph.D. VLA Observatory of Wide Angle Tail Radio Sources and an Investigation of Flow Models 和弯曲动力学 艾琳·多诺霍 Dr. 琼Eilek & Dr. 弗雷泽·欧文(NRAO)
1989    M.S. The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect as an Indicator for Hydrodynamically Confined Radio Jets Mark M. McKinnon Dr. 弗雷泽·欧文(NRAO)
1988   M.S.   大卫•克雷格  
1988    M.S. On Finding Charges in Thunderclouds From Aircraft Measurements of Electric Vector Feng Han Dr. 威廉•韦恩
1988   M.S. The Small Scale Structure of the Interstellar Medium in the Direction of the Orion OB1协会 Eftyhia Zesta  
1987   M.S. A High Resolution Study of the Inner Two Kiloparsecs of M87 at 6cm 院长卡特·海恩斯 Dr. 弗雷泽·欧文(NRAO) & Dr. 琼Eilek
1982    M.S. VLA Observations of Quiescent and Flaring Emission from dMe Stars Paul L. Fisher Dr. 鲍勃·海耶明(NRAO)
1982    M.S. A Vertical Scanning 11-cm Radar for Investigating Lightning/Precipitation Relationships 安东尼·阿姆斯特朗·阿奇利  
1981    M.S. VLA Observations of Extragalactic X-ray Sources and a Galactic Gamma-Ray Source Shawn P. Ewald Dr. 鲍勃·海耶明(NRAO)
1980    M.S. 相对论等离子体中的色散和波聚并 Barry A. Sabol Dr. 艾伯特Petschek
1979   M.S. 卡尔斯巴德洞穴的大气电参数 范·罗梅罗  
1977 Ph.D. The Effect of Corona Discharge on Electric Fields Beneath 雷暴 Ronald B. Standler Dr. 威廉•韦恩
1976    M.S. The behavior of the Evaporation Rate of a Water Drop Under the Influence of an Electric Field William M. Cambier Dr. 马克思布鲁克斯
1975    M.S. Search for Anisotropy in the Arrival Directions of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays Aka G. Finci  
1975    M.S. 高架导线对闪电的响应 Ronald B. Standler  
1974 Ph.D. 云的对流电气化 共计赵  
1973    M.S. 山脊上气流的数值研究 Stephen C. Roehrig Dr. 马文Wilkening
1973    M.S. Electric Field Meters for Measurement of the Horizontal Field Components Beneath Electrified 雷暴 Roger A. Nelson  
1972    M.S. The Effect of an Electric Field on the Evaporation Rates of Water Drops Elena S. Lobl  
1972    M.S. A High Resolution Radar for Studies of Precipitation Associated with Lightning 埃德温·西曼斯基 Dr. 查尔斯•福尔摩斯
1972 Ph.D. Investigation into the Production and Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone Beneath Thunderclouds 亚历克西斯Shlanta  
1971    M.S. Balloon-Bourne Electric Field Mills for use in Thunderclouds 大卫克拉克  
1968    M.S. 反冲原子电子相互作用的研究 Joseph F. Skovron  
1968    M.S. Energy Exchange Between the Interplanetary Magnetic Field and the Magnetosphere David J. Mendez Dr. 罗斯Lomanitz
1967    M.S. 超新星的亮度达到最大值 Chester R. McKee Dr. 斯特灵高露洁
1965    M.S. 基面上冰的电导率研究 Gary N. Jarvela Dr. Gerardo总值
1965    M.S. Perturbations in Velocities and Magnetic Fields Due to Flow of a Perfectly Conducting, Inviscid, Incompressible Fluid Past a Non-Magnetic Thin Body Vivian L. Kan Dr. 罗斯Lomanitz
1965    M.S. Analysis of the Operation of the Gerdien Conductivity Apparatus Earl V. Long III Dr. M. Wilkening & Dr. W. Crozier
1964    M.S. 近距离闪电产生的雷声研究 Don J. Latham Dr. 马克思的小溪
1964    M.S. 平静大气中的微气压振荡 Charles M. Fullerton Dr. 查尔斯•福尔摩斯
1964    M.S. 氡子离子的迁移率分布 Ronald D. Stanley  
1964    M.S. A Study of Ground Motion Caused By Air Explosions, Sonic Booms, and Thunder Donald D. Thayer Dr. 查尔斯•福尔摩斯
1962    M.S. The Relationship Between Atmospheric Electrical Variables and the Wind Mitchel F. Bloom  
1958    M.S. A Study of Atmospheric Space-Charge Density Near the Surface of the Earth Duane H. Williams  
1956    M.S. Investigation of the Cation Exchange Theory of Induced Electrical Polarization by 放射性示踪剂的方法 米歇尔·拉·韦尔涅  
1956    M.S. 感应电极化的理论研究 Richard H. Frische Dr. 哈罗·冯·巴特拉