
菲德尔中心- 231室- 233套房


Nonresident Aliens - Submit form 8843 to the Federal Government each year:

This is a "Statement for Exempt Individuals 和 Individuals With a Medical Condition" 和 must be submitted to the IRS each year (even if you received no income) if an individual is a Nonresident alien 就税务而言 和 is present in the U.S. 下 F-1, F-2, J-1或J-2状态.

这不是所得税申报表. 表格8843是必需的信息陈述 由美国.S. Government for Nonresident Aliens holding certain visa types (including 非居民外国人的配偶或受养人). 对于学生来说,重点是陈述 是他们在美国呆了多少天.S. 还有免除的日子 在实质存在测试中计数(参见第1部分问题4).


At the time of receiving an hourly job offer, the Student will obtain a Student Work 授权(SWA)表格或研究生合同. 学生将有他们的 work eligibility verified by the 遵从性分析 in the E-Verify system as part I-9申请流程. (请参阅下面I-9流程部分)

Once you have your job offer, 的 first step you take is for the student to schedule 与合规分析师的会面. 然后,合规分析师将向您发送一份 链接到冰河税务合规软件. 您需要填写遵从性 形式在线. When the form is filled out, make an appointment with the Compliance Analyst who will perform the substantial presence test, complete a W-4 form, 和 determine 税收协定优惠是否被允许. 外国学生可以是“居民”。 或“非居民”的税收目的.  这个税种分类是 determined by the number of years in the US, 和 will determine your tax rate. 


All individuals who are Nonresident aliens 就税务而言 和 hold a F-1, J-1, M-1 or Q-1 visa are exempt from paying social security tax (also called FICA tax) 和 Medicare tax on their wages when you are engaged in activities that are allowed 下 你的签证. 这些税占你工资的7%以上. 豁免的定义见章节 税法第3121 (b)(19)条. 雇主通常不会意识到这一部分 tax law, 和 you should provide them with this information during the hiring process. If your summer employer, your OPT employer, or Tech's Payroll department withheld those taxes from your paycheck in error you should contact them 和 ask for a refund. If they do not refund the taxes, you should apply to the IRS for a refund. 完整的 IRS forms 843 和 8316 for your refund request 和 mail them to the same address you 邮寄你的所得税申报表.



填妥的表格示例如下 在这里 和 在这里.


的 Federal Tax 遵从性分析 reviews grant 和 scholarship awards posted to the foreign student's account to determine whether a portion is taxable as income. 的 IRS guidelines on qualified 和 unqualified education expenses are applied to 学生的账户. 如果收件人有纳税义务,他们会收到通知, 和 if they are allowed a tax treaty a benefit to avoid taxation will be granted based 关于学生的税务居住国及其资格. 所有所得税 欠款将作为费用记入学生的账户.






A student who is participating in a REU program (research experience for 下graduates) is given funding to cover tuition, living expenses, travel, 和 a personal stipend. 的 funds are posted to the student account, 和 the transaction is classified as 奖学金,因为没有服务欠大学. 纳税义务是 the same as other scholarships: a) citizens 和 resident aliens 就税务而言 receive a 1098-T form at year end 和 calculate the taxable amount on their tax return, b) Non-resident aliens have 14% income tax withheld from the Non-Qualified portion of payment in their student account 和 receive a 1042-S form at year end.



的 business office sends the 1098-T tax form to US, Green Card holders 和 Resident Alien students at year end that documents the tuition 和 qualified fee payments, 奖学金资金也被记入了学生账户.

Students who are classified as Nonresident Alien 就税务而言 DO NOT  qualify 收到此文件,将不会发出1098-T声明.

Students who are classified as Resident Aliens 就税务而言 must request the 1098-T 在新年1月25日前到合规办公室.


You may contact the Compliance Office at - 575-835-5122 - Fax-575-835-6177


名字 TITLE 电话 部门 位置 电子邮件
雪莉·罗德里格斯 遵从性分析 575-835-5122 会计 菲德尔233年 雪利酒.rodriguez@modonexpress.net