

它是NMT的media 关系协议,任何NMT员工收到 媒体 调查 应立即指示询问方与市场部联系 及通讯(ext). 5539)得到 媒体 会员最好的和最准确的信息,安排面试,并提供任何 要求的其他服务.


ag亚游集团App下载 has an interest in ensuring that the privacy of all of its students, faculty and staff is respected, and that no activities interfere with education, research 或者居住生活.

该大学是新墨西哥州的一所州立研究机构. 最常见的 校园通常对游客开放. 即使在这些地方,媒体代表 must not interfere with the privacy of students, faculty and staff, or with educational, 研究及住宿活动. 学校可随时撤销许可 出现在这些和大学的任何其他领域.

In accordance with the university’s policies, members of the 媒体 are prohibited 禁止进入学生宿舍或食堂. 媒体人员禁止进入 in all residential areas of the university, including student residences and the surrounding faculty neighborhoods without prior permission 从 university's Marketing and 通信办公室. 禁止媒体进入教室、图书馆、实验室 和其他的学术建筑而没有事先得到许可 市场推广及传播 办公室和教官.

No commercial activity may occur on the campus without the university's permission. This includes the taking of photos, or similar audio or visual recordings that are sold to others, or otherwise used for commercial, promotional or marketing purposes. Those involved in unauthorized commercial activity will be asked to leave campus im媒体tely. Requests for permission should be submitted to 市场推广及传播 Director Peter Szatmary,电话575-835-5620或575-322-0927.


Recognized student groups and official units of the university will be granted such permission so long as they do not violate the privacy or property interests of others; so long as any sale of their products is predominantly on campus to students, faculty and staff; and so long as they comply with applicable university policies and procedures.

Violators of this policy may be subject to criminal and/or civil liability, as well 如适用,作为大学纪律处分.



ag亚游集团App下载’s permission is required for any filming or photography on New Mexico 科技企业拥有的土地:

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the university reserves the right to prohibit any filming or photography on its lands for any reason, including if the filming or photography creates the potential for: 1) disruption of academic, research, business or student activities; 2) damage to or alteration of university property; 3) inappropriate use of the ag亚游集团App下载 name, marks or image; 4) disruption of traffic, parking or pedestrian pathways; 5) other safety hazards; or 6) violations of the university’s 隐私政策.


市场推广及传播 办公室 accommodates reasonable requests for journalistic, news-related, non-commercial shooting, but reserves the right to deny permission when the request runs contrary 大学政策,尤其是那些保护学生隐私的政策. 这个话题 of all news-related filming or photography must be directly related to the university. 


Commercial filming and photography related to the marketing of companies and organizations 除了ag亚游集团App下载以外的任何人都不能进入学校. 这些活动包括 incompatible with the university’s long-standing policies prohibiting endorsement 或者背书的样子.

市场推广及传播 办公室 will consider film and photography requests involving programs featuring New Mexico Tech students, faculty or staff, or the creation of television shows, movies, documentaries, or educational-related programs, providing the subject matter is related 到ag亚游集团App下载.


非新墨西哥科技公司实体禁止飞行无人机和其他无人驾驶 在ag亚游集团App下载的土地上或从土地上飞行的飞行器. 教师,学生,员工 and approved vendors are required to obtain advance approval for such flights from ag亚游集团App下载. 有关请求审查提议的更多信息和说明 请致电575-835-5539与市场与传讯办公室联系.

Use of ag亚游集团App下载’s name, other trademarks and emblems, or images in connection with any photograph or film is prohibited without written permission by the university. 欲了解更多信息,请联系 市场推广及传播 办公室电话:575-835-5539.

Non-ag亚游集团App下载 entities are prohibited from hosting 媒体 events on university 或者邀请媒体参观ag亚游集团App下载校园.
ag亚游集团App下载 has an interest in ensuring that the privacy of all of its students, faculty and staff is respected and that no activities interfere with education, research 或者居住生活. 因此,在学生宿舍,食堂,图书馆拍摄, 未经学校许可,禁止进入教室和实验室 市场推广及传播 办公室.

媒体人员禁止进入 in all residential areas of the university, including student residences and the surrounding faculty neighborhoods without prior permission 从 市场推广及传播 办公室.

All professional filmmakers and photographers working on the ag亚游集团App下载's campus 必须事先获得 市场推广及传播 办公室,携带证件,并有适当的责任保险.

Filming of b-roll of areas of the university is prohibited for privacy reasons and 避免干扰大学活动. 媒体成员和其他人可以 request directions to download high-quality, university-produced b-roll of New Mexico 科技领域.

ag亚游集团App下载 departments and organizations may film or photograph on the main campus providing 1) they have requested and received permission 从 办公室 of Marketing and Communications; and 2) the work is ag亚游集团App下载-related and does not interfere 与大学运作有关. 

Filming or photography on ag亚游集团App下载 property for academic purposes is limited only to New Mexico Tech students, staff and faculty, as well as ag亚游集团App下载-sponsored programs and other programs that occur on ag亚游集团App下载's campus for which filming/photography 是项目的一部分吗. 由此产生的影片和照片不得使用或分发 用于商业、营销或促销目的.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 市场推广及传播 办公室电话:575-835-5539.