ag亚游集团App下载的Dr. Curtis O 'Malley获得STEM指导奖


Assistant professor of mechanical engineering’s efforts recognized by Air Force 研究 实验室

Dr. 柯蒂斯·奥马利
Dr. 柯蒂斯·奥马利

索科罗,N.M. – For the extraordinary efforts he takes to reach out to students and help them imagine their potential, a ag亚游集团App下载 faculty member is being honored by the Air Force 研究 实验室 (AFRL) Tech Engagement Office with a prestigious honor. Dr. 柯蒂斯·奥马利 an assistant professor of mechanical engineering, will receive the Mentor Award at a ceremony June 23, 2023, at Q Station in Albuquerque, along with other winners of 2023年STEM卓越奖,也就是STEMYs. 一年一度的奖项表彰学生, teachers, volunteers, and other New Mexicans for their science, technology, engineering, 以及数学教育(STEM)的推广工作.

Dr. O’Malley’s outreach contributions as the Mechanical Engineering’s Robotic STEM Outreach Programs director  have provided countless opportunities for K-12 students 参与和想象STEM的未来. 2015年创办机械工程学院 K-12 Outreach program, which established NMT as a premier K-12 outreach organization at large public STEM events, including Big Brothers Big Sisters Discovery Festival, AFRL的超级STEM周六,以及探索者的科学节. 他还创立了美国 墨西哥机器人战斗联盟. 他的第一场比赛于2021年春季举行 grew in two years to 55 teams competing by forging a relationship with New Mexico 台面. Dr. O’Malley helped NMT become a major participant in the SystemsGO Rocketry 程序,并协助创建无人机比赛. 他还帮助创新了一个 STEM summer roadshow, where NMT workshops travel to rural areas in New Mexico to provide 为学生提供独特的机会. 

2022年5月. O’Malley received NMT’s Distinguished Service Award, honoring faculty who have demonstrated superior service to the University and community. 最近博士. Seokbin (Bin) Lim, Mechanical Engineering Department chair, nominated O’Malley for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. 在他的多个角色,博士. 奥马利每年直接指导100名大学生, and employs and trains 20 or more students a year as teaching assistants, research 助理,以及同伴导师的外展. 

“I have been incrementally building a legacy of mentorship working toward the current structure where I directly mentor college students and indirectly mentor middle and 高中学生,“博士. O ' malley说. “当我描述我的导师专注于 the students that work for me it breaks down to three simple points. 首先是 真正关心你的学员的成功. 其次,你必须向他们表示你的关心 通过听他们说什么,观察他们的行为. 第三,你必须提供 他们经过深思熟虑的选择来帮助他们取得成功. 做这三件事 for someone and continuing to do it even after they graduate can have profound and life-changing impacts to both their and their family's future.”

Dr. O’Malley earned a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from Drexel 费城大学. 他还获得了第二个理学学士学位 architectural engineering and went on to earn a master’s degree in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a doctorate in civil engineering. 后 为美国工作.S. 陆军阿伯丁测试中心的一名教官 新墨西哥中部社区学院. Dr. 2012年,奥马利作为博士后来到NMT in the Mechanical Engineering Department, serving as an adjunct professor. 自2016年以来, he has been an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department.