

ag亚游集团App下载 hosts 71st annual 新墨西哥 Science and Engineering Fair

卢克·兰迪斯, an eighth-grader at Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science (AIMS) Academy in Albuquerque, displays his experiment on paper and plastic bags, examining 强度. 兰迪斯说他希望有一天能成为一名作家. 兰迪斯参加了初级比赛 division of the 新墨西哥 Science and Engineering Fair, held April 14-15, 2023, at 索科罗的ag亚游集团App下载.

索科罗,N.M. – Prompted by challenges posed by wildfires, water shortages, and the COVID-19 pandemic, future scientists, engineers, and inventors showcased their innovative ideas and solutions 参加了由ag亚游集团App下载主办的全州竞赛. 第71届新墨西哥州大会 Science and Engineering Fair 2023 was held April 14 and 15, 2023, at the university in 罗, welcoming middle and high school students from across 新墨西哥. The competition featured students’ posters on topics ranging from nutrition to water quality. 

Aditi Ganti
Aditi Ganti, an eighth-grader at Albuquerque Institute of Math and Science (AIMS) Academy in Albuquerque, researched desalination techniques for her entry in the New Mexico Science and Engineering Fair, held April 14-15, 2023, at ag亚游集团App下载 in 罗.

Brian Patterson, a Los Alamos National Laboratory scientist, said he enjoys judging the competition every year for the opportunity to learn what questions are on the 年轻科学家的思想以及他们如何进行研究.

马里奥•巴尔加斯, a sophomore at Taos Academy Charter School, said his science experiment was inspired the wildfires that affected 新墨西哥 in spring 2022. 巴尔加斯竞争 in the senior division of the 新墨西哥 Science and Engineering Fair, held April 2023年14-15日,在索科罗的ag亚游集团App下载.

“It’s very diverse in all the different projects they look at,” he said. “有趣的 thing is talking to the kids about how they did their experiments.”

马里奥•巴尔加斯, a sophomore at Taos Academy Charter School, tested fire retardants’ effects on the environment, including invertebrates such as earthworms. 他的科学 实验测量了蚯蚓的活动和重量.

“It was a big thing,” he said of the aftermath of the spring 2022 wildfires in northern 新墨西哥.

瑞安Tortalita, a 10th-grader at Grants High School, tested a homemade cleaning solution against commercial products, recalling how sprays and wipes were difficult to find 在2020年COVID-19大流行开始时. Tortalita参加了新墨西哥州的比赛 Science and Engineering Fair, held April 2023年14-15日,在索科罗的ag亚游集团App下载.

瑞安Tortalita, a 10th-grader at Grants High School, remembers how difficult it was 在COVID-19大流行开始时寻找清洁产品. 他的实验得到了验证 自制的抗高乐湿巾和来苏喷雾的溶液.

“It was hard to find cleaners in 2020,” to stop the spread of germs, he said. 

Aditi Ganti, an eighth-grader at AIMS Middle School in Albuquerque, examined the process of desalination of seawater as a way to produce usable water in the future. 她的经历 对职业规划有影响吗.

阿丽莎挤瓦尔德, a sixth-grader at Wood-Gormley Elementary in Santa Fe, explains how she 在水中加入洗洁精,研究表面张力的变化. 沃尔德参加了 the junior division of the 新墨西哥 Science and Engineering Fair, held April 14-15, 2023年,在索科罗的ag亚游集团App下载.

“I like a wide range of subjects, especially math,” she said, adding that her future most likely will involve a subject in the science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM)领域.

阿丽莎挤瓦尔德, a sixth-grader at Wood Gormley Elementary in Santa Fe, toured the Mineral Museum at the Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources during the 科学展览. She’s 考虑到医学、科学和工程.


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